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Stakeholder forum

The biennial FSANZ stakeholder forum brings together experts and thought leaders from across the bi-national Australian and New Zealand food regulation system. The event is an opportunity to engage closely with key stakeholders in the food sector and strengthen collaboration with partners.

2024 FSANZ Stakeholder Engagement Forum

Geraldine Doogue
Facilitator: Geraldine Doogue AO

More than 440 in-person and virtual delegates joined us for the 2024 FSANZ Stakeholder Forum in Melbourne on Thursday 20 June 2024.

Expertly facilitated by renowned journalist and broadcaster Geraldine Doogue AO, the forum brought together representatives from public health, consumer groups, academia, government and industry to explore the theme of ‘Collaboration in food regulation: Working together for impact’.

Delegates enjoyed presentations and panel discussions across three sessions covering international cooperation, collaboration in the bi-national food regulation system and opportunities and challenges identified by stakeholder groups.

Workshops 2024 FSANZ Forum
Delegates workshop FSANZ's new strategic outcomes

The day closed with a workshop session, with stakeholders joining food system representatives to discuss ideas for supporting FSANZ to meet its strategic objectives.

Feedback to date from delegates and system partners has been very positive, with many highlighting the forum was both informative and engaging.

A big thanks to all presenters, panellists and delegates for their contributions to a productive day. A summary report and copy of the presentation pack are now available below. 

2022 FSANZ Stakeholder Forum

More than 300 in-person and virtual delegates attended the 2022 FSANZ Stakeholder Forum - 'Future Ready Food Standards' in Sydney on 29 June 2022.  

Page last updated 23 July 2024