2022–23 key foods program
Includes nutrient data for 12 foods including a selection of bread products, chocolate-based confectionery, fast food and takeaway products, Milo powder, dairy-free cheese, sheep yoghurt and beef patties/rissoles.
2021–22 key foods program
Includes nutrient data for 14 foods including a selection of frozen foods, beverages, dairy products, fruit, ANZAC biscuits and corn tortillas.
2020 key foods program
Includes nutrient data for 15 foods including sweet and savoury biscuits, selected vegetables, pulse-based pasta, premium ice cream, no added sugar chocolate and powdered chocolate drink.
2019–20 key foods program
Includes nutrient data for 15 foods including bread products, selected fruit and vegetables, cheese, poultry, and grain based snacks.
National nutrition and physical activity survey analytical program
Includes data for a range of nutrients for 29 foods from categories including beverages, cereal products, yoghurts, snack bars, and meat and meat alternatives likely to be consumed during the 2023 National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey.
2019 key foods program
Includes nutrient data for 16 foods including bread products, selected dried and preserved fruits and vegetables, coffee mix, fruit drink, cashews, honey and lollies.
2019 game meats short report
Includes nutrient data for selected cuts of camel, crocodile, emu and kangaroo.
2018–19 key foods program short report
Includes nutrient data for 14 foods including selected milk and dairy products, bread and cereal products, bolognese sauces, chicken schnitzel and potato.
2018 key food composition analytical program
Includes data for a range of nutrients for 36 foods including selected fruit and vegetables, seeds, flour, bread and bread products, sauces sweet and savoury biscuits, and other foods.
2017 key foods program
Includes data for a range of nutrients for 17 foods from various food groups such as flours, grains, dairy and vegetables.
2015 vitamin D program
Includes data on Vitamin D (D2, D3, 25OHD2 & 25OHD3) and moisture for 22 commonly consumed foods from animal sources such as meat, cheese and eggs.
2014–15 key foods program
Includes four small programs incorporating 60 foods in total. A range of foods such as fruit, vegetables, meat, cereal products and dairy were included in three of the programs, while the fourth focussed on alcoholic beverages. A range of nutrients were analysed for each food.
2014 milk powder and damper program
Includes data for a range of nutrients in milk powder, damper and Jackaroo flour which were commonly consumed as part of the 2012-13 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NATSINPAS).
2013 specialty bread program
Includes data for a range of nutrients on three newer varieties of bread (Italian-style, rye sourdough and Turkish).
2013 potato program
Includes data on a range of raw and boiled potatoes, to determine how vitamin C levels vary as a result of washing, peeling and boiling.
2012 cake and slice program
Includes data on the moisture, protein, total fat, starch, sugars, ash and sodium contents of seven commercial cakes and slices.
2012 remote stores foods and processed meats program
Includes information on the nutrient content of 13 foods such as canned meat products and kangaroo tail likely to be consumed as part of the 2012-13 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NATSINPAS) and some commonly consumed processed meats such as prosciutto.
2011 sausage program
Includes data for 133 samples of plain and flavoured sausages made using different types of meat to determine the current level of sodium found in sausages. Additional nutrients such as moisture, fat, protein, starch, sugars and ash were also determined in some samples.
2010 Australian health survey program
Includes data for a range of nutrients in 29 foods from various food groups such as fruit juice, cereal products, dairy and seafood which were likely to be consumed during the 2011-13 Australian Health Survey (AHS).
2008–2009 sodium in packaged and take-away foods program
Includes sodium data for 363 samples of packaged and take-away foods such as pies and pastries, chips and crisps, snack bars, dressings and spreads.
2008 key foods program
Includes data for a range of nutrients in 52 foods from various food groups such as soy and energy drinks, breads and breakfast cereals, condiments, oils, dairy and spreads, take-away food, eggs, meat and fresh produce which were likely to be consumed by Australian adults as part of a future National Nutrition Survey (NNS).
2006 key foods program
Includes data for a range of nutrients in 40 foods from various food groups such as cordial and fruit juice, breads and breakfast cereal, dairy and spreads, take-away food, meat, fruit and potatoes which were likely to be consumed by Australian children as part of a future National Nutrition Survey (NNS).