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Sulphites survey 2012


(Updated April 2012)

FSANZ, together with state and territory agencies, has conducted a national coordinated food survey on the levels of sulphites in sausages, cordials and dried fruit.

The survey builds on previous surveys of sulphite levels in food and is contributing to the work FSANZ is undertaking on Proposal 298, which is examining the use of sulphites and benzoates.

Food for this survey was analysed in its prepared state i.e. as it would normally be eaten.

The key results of the survey are:

  • most sulphite levels detected in sausages, cordial, dried apple and sultanas were well below the maximum permitted levels (MPLs) in the Food Standards Code
  • on average, cooked beef sausages had higher levels of sulphites than pork, lamb and chicken sausages
  • regular cordials had higher sulphite levels than diet, light or no added sugar and concentrated varieties
  • levels of sulphites in sultanas are generally lower than found in previous surveys.

The survey results will add to the evidence FSANZ has acquired on sulphite levels and contribute to our work on Proposal 298.

National Coordinated Survey of Sulphite Levels in Sausages, Cordial and Dried Fruit (pdf 165 kb) (word 1027 kb)

More information

Proposal 298

Information for consumers about sulphites

Page last updated: 22 March 2013