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Conversion factors


Some single ingredient 'Classified foods', were not in the same state for which the ADG serve size applies. This was mostly the case for foods cooked or prepared before consumption such as meat, vegetables, grains, and powdered or concentrated forms of foods. A conversion factor was applied to these foods so that the amount reported in the NNPAS was converted to an equivalent amount on the same basis as the ADG serve size. Conversion factors were assigned using standard FSANZ principles and factors.

For example, 'rice, white raw/uncooked' was a food included in NNPAS, however the ADG serve size for rice applies to cooked rice. Therefore raw rice records were adjusted in the database to be the equivalent number of serves of cooked rice, using a standard conversion factor. In the estimates of consumption of ADG foods, records for any respondents who reported a consumption amount for rice in the raw state, or a food where raw rice was used as an ingredient in a recipe, would have the conversion factor applied.

Foods with conversion factors applied included uncooked/dried/raw grains, legumes and vegetables; and uncooked/raw red meat, poultry and seafood. An adjustment was also applied for foods such as toast which was converted to a fresh bread weight equivalent. Other factors were used where the food was in a powdered or concentrated form that needed to be 'made up' before consumption. This included powdered milk and fruit juice concentrates.

Leafy green vegetables such as fresh herbs, lettuces, rocket, endive, watercress, chicory and raw salad vegetables such as cucumber, tomato, radish, and sprouts did not need a conversion factor applied as they are typically eaten in the raw state.

Page last updated: 11 May 2016