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The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election. 

FSANZ study of brominated flame retardants in food


FSANZ study of brominated flame retardants in food

(14 December 2007)

In 2007 Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) released a survey of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in food.

PBDEs are flame retardant chemicals and the FSANZ survey was prompted by increasing interest internationally in these chemicals.

In 2005, the joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants concluded that while there was limited data, the current intakes of PBDE from the diet are unlikely to be a significant health concern.

Download the Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in food in Australia (pdf 435kb)

Page last updated: 22 March 2013