Call for comment on a GM processing aid for use in baking and brewing


Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is calling for comment on an application to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) to permit a genetically modified (GM) processing aid for use in baking, brewing, distilled alcohol production and starch processing. 

The application is seeking approval of a protein engineered variant of the enzyme glucoamylase as a processing aid to produce glucose syrups and other starch hydrolysates. 

The enzyme is sourced from a GM strain of Aspergillus niger (A. niger) containing a protein engineered variant of the glucoamylase gene from Gloeophyllum sepiarium. The proposed use of glucoamylase as an enzyme processing aid in the quantity and form proposed is consistent with its typical function of breaking down starch into glucose. 

A. niger has a long history of safe use as a production microorganism of enzyme processing aids, including several that are already permitted in the Code.  

Based on FSANZ’s assessment, no public health and safety concerns were identified under the proposed usage. 

To have your say about this application, visit the FSANZ Consultation Hub. Submissions close at 6pm (AEDT) September 24 September 2024.  

What happens to my feedback? 

FSANZ will consider all feedback received through this submission process before deciding on whether to approve the application.  

Submissions will be published to our website as soon as possible at the end of the public comment period.  

More information:  

Media contact:  

  • 0401 714 265 (Australia)  

  • +61 401 714 265 (from New Zealand)