P295 - Final Assessment Report

Final Assesment Report - 4 October 2006 [word| pdf ] Attachments 1 to 6

[ pdf ] Attachment 7a and 7b

[ pdf ] Attachment 8, 9,10, 12

[ pdf ] Attachments 11a

[ pdf ] Attachment 11b

Short Guide to Mandatory Folic Acid Fortification [pdf kb ] - Please note - This information is now out of date please refer to the Final Assessment Report.

Draft Assessment Report - 3 July 2006 [ word | pdf 914 kb ]

Attachment 7-12 [ Word | pdf 537kb ]

Attachment 11 [ pdf 591 kb]

Potential health benefits and risks from increased folic acid intake PART 1 [ pdf 804kb ] PART 2 [ pdf ] PART 3 [ pdf ]

(PART 1 was subsequently published as Bower. C., de Klerk, N., Hickling, S., Ambrosini, G., Flicker, L., Geelhoed, E., Milne, E. (2006) Assessment of the potential effect of incremental increases in folic acid intake on neural tube defects in Australia and New Zealand.Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,30(4):369-74. )

Potential risk of folate drug interactions [ pdf 341 kb ]

Potential risk of masking the diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency [ pdf kb ]

Potential risk of increased twinning [ pdf kb ]

Initial Assessment Report - 20 October 2004 [ word I pdf 504kb ]