Proposal P292 - Country of Origin Labelling of Food

Feasibility Study into Extending Country of Origin Labelling to Selected Packaged Fruit or Vegetable Whole Food Produce - March 2006 [ pdf 322 kb ]

Discussion Paper - February 2006 [ word | pdf 343 kb ]

Feasibility of extending Country of Origin Labeling - A benefit cost analysis - February 2006 [ word | pdf 55 kb ]

Feasibility Study - Country of Origin Labelling - November 2005 [ word | pdf 122kb ]

First Review Report - December 2005 [ word | pdf 150kb ]

Final Assessment Report - October 2005 [word | pdf 449kb]

Discussion Paper - August 2005 [ word | pdf 240kb ]

Benefit Cost Analysis of Country of Origin Labelling September 2005 [ word | pdf 441 kb ]

Benefit Cost Analysis of Country of Origin Labelling Discussion (draft) [ word | pdf 418 kb ]

Presentation on proposed Country of Origin Labels [ pdf 321kb ]