This Proposal seeks to update Standard 1.6.1 with regards to criteria for Listeria monocytogenes limits in ready-to-eat foods; aligning with international (codex) standards, Food Safety and Primary Production and Processing Standards and associated FSANZ guidance material.
Approval Report - 27 May 2014 (pdf 651 kb) | (word 192 kb)
Submissions (zip 12154 kb) | Comments received after closing date (pdf 269 kb)
Call for submissions - 8 November 2013 (pdf 838 kb) | (word 157 kb)
- Supporting document 1 - Guidance on the application of microbiological criteria for Listeria monocytogenes in RTE food (pdf 373 kb) | (word 202 kb)
- Supporting document 2 - Scientific basis for Listeria monocytogenes limits (pdf 228 kb) | (word 88 kb)
Submissions (zip 2911 kb) | Comments received after closing date (pdf 52 kb)
Call for submissions - 21 September 2012 (pdf 574 kb) | (word 283 kb)
Administrative Assessment Report - 16 February 2012 (pdf 30 kb) | (word 80 kb)