FSANZ uses the Consultation Hub, a digital platform for making submissions. For each consultation, a survey response form provides guidance, with drop down options and text boxes for you to provide your contact details and submission.
All submissions must be made through the Consultation Hub by the closing date. If you need assistance or have any issues using the Consultation Hub, email the Standards Management team at Submissions.
What should your submission include?
- To prepare your submission, read the consultation documents – the call for submissions report or consultation paper, supporting documents and the application (for applications only).
- There may be information in your submission you consider confidential, including confidential commercial information. You will be prompted to clearly indicate, separate and provide confidential information, together with the reasons for requesting confidential information for all or part of your submission when making your submission.
- Under section 114 of the FSANZ Act some information provided to FSANZ cannot be disclosed – including confidential information. The Act defines information as confidential if it identifies trade secrets relating to food and any other information relating to food, the commercial value of which would be or could reasonably be expected to be destroyed or diminished by disclosure.
- Relevant information to support your submission e.g. groups or individuals who may be affected, data on the effect of the proposed change, relevant technical and scientific evidence and any references.
What happens to your submission after consultation?
Submissions will be considered by FSANZ as part of the assessment process and summarised in subsequent reports.
Under the Information Publication Scheme, your submission will be published on the Consultation Hub prior to the Board’s consideration of a change to the Food Standards Code unless you provide appropriate reasons to treat it as confidential and FSANZ deems it confidential. See the Information Publication Scheme. Confidential submissions may be subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
If you have requested information in your submission be treated confidentially and FSANZ does not agree that all/some of the information meets the criteria for confidential information, you will be given an opportunity to withdraw the submission before publishing.
Contact details including names, email and physical addresses and contact numbers are not published. See FSANZ’s Privacy Policy for details on how FSANZ manages personal information when you make a submission.