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About us
Contact us
Secondary menu
Food recalls
Food recall alerts
How to recall food
Food recall templates
About food recalls
Food recall statistics
Food incidents
Food Industry Recall Protocol
State and territory food recall action officers
FAQs for food businesses
Business guidance
Allergen labelling
Nutrition Panel Calculator
NPC downloadable files
Specific gravities
Weight change factors
About the NPC
User guide
Foods in the NPC
Nutrients in the NPC
Calculations in the NPC
Frequently asked questions
NPC reference list
Nutrition, health and related claims
Notified food-health relationships
Notifying a self-substantiated food-health relationship
Nutrient Profiling Scoring Criterion
Pregnancy warning labels on alcoholic beverages
Food safety for food businesses
2-hour / 4-hour rule
Cleaning and sanitising
Controlling pests
Cooling and reheating food
Displaying food
Food delivery
Food packaging
Food recalls
Food traceability
Health and hygiene - advice for food businesses
Health and hygiene - advice for food handlers
Home-based food businesses
Keeping food at the right temperature
Mobile food business
Processing food safely
Receiving food
Reducing acrylamide exposure in food
Safe food for older people - advice for businesses
Skills and knowledge for food handlers
Starting or changing a food business
Storing food safely
Temporary food premises
Transporting food safely
Standard 3.2.2A Food Safety Management Tools
Food safety supervisor
Food handler training
Evidence tool
Food safety in horticulture
Animals and pests
Food safety management statement
Food safety requirements for berry growers and primary processors
Food safety requirements for horticulture: berries, leafy vegetables and melons
Food safety requirements for leafy vegetable growers and primary processors
Food safety requirements for melon growers and primary processors
Growing sites
Health and hygiene of personnel and visitors
Inputs – Soil, water, fertiliser and composts
Premises and equipment
Skills and knowledge
Temperature control
Traceability of produce
Washing and sanitising produce
Weather events
Novel foods
Advisory Committee Novel Foods
Exclusivity of use for novel foods and nutritive substances
History of Novel Foods Standard
Novel food - Record of views formed in response to inquiries
Food safety culture
Food safety culture in action
Shaping food safety culture
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
The BSE risk assessment process and certification
Requirements for the importation of beef and beef products for human consumption
Exporting beef or beef products to Australia
Frequently asked questions (BSE)
Status of country BSE food safety risk assessments
Australian questionnaire to assess BSE risk
Annual BSE update
Information for charities and community organisations
Checklist for event organisers
Food temperature and thermometers
Notifying your food enforcement agency
Labelling and providing information about food sold at fundraising events
Sausage sizzles and barbecues
Preparing and cooking food
Transporting food
Health and hygiene for food handlers
Food safety standards
Review of food safety management standards
Microbiological limits for food
Limits for Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods
Preventing spread of COVID-19 and other contagious diseases
Primary production and processing standards
Consumer information
Food allergies
Allergen collaboration
Food allergies and food intolerances
Product exemptions from allergen labelling
Food allergen portal
Allergy information for the food service industry
Food allergens - information for consumers
Information for childcare centres and schools
Information for government organisations
Information for health professionals
Allergy information for food manufacturers, retailers and importers
Preventing foodborne illness
Antimicrobial resistance and food safety
Apricot kernels (raw)
Bacteria, viruses and toxins that cause foodborne illness
Caffeine powders and high caffeine content foods
Canned foods - purchasing and storage
Cassava and bamboo shoots
Floods and food safety
Food complaints
Food safety basics
Food safety for vulnerable people
Food safety for older people
Food safety in an emergency
Inorganic arsenic and iodine in seaweed
Listeria in food
Listeria monocytogenes and imported fresh enoki mushrooms
Microorganisms and foodborne illness
Poultry liver dishes
Raw drinking milk
Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) linked to eggs
Labelling information
Allergen labelling for consumers
Country of origin labelling
Energy labelling of alcoholic beverages
Fish names
Food additive labelling
GM food labelling
Health Star Rating System
Health claims (nutrition, health and related claims)
Ingredient lists and percentage labelling
Labelling for religious, environmental, animal welfare and other consumer value issues
Labelling of alcoholic beverages
Labelling poster - how to read food labels
Labelling review
Labelling review recommendation 12
Labelling review recommendation 17
Labelling review recommendation 26
Labelling review recommendation 34 - irradiation labelling
Labelling review recommendation 40 - country of origin labelling
Labelling review recommendations 6 and 47
Technical evaluation for recommendation 13 (trans fatty acids)
Nutrition information panels
Sugar labelling
Truth in labelling, weights and measures and legibility
Use by and best before dates
Warning and advisory statements
Chemicals in food
Acrylamide and food
Benzene in flavoured beverages
Bisphenol A (BPA)
Chemicals in food - maximum residue limits
Chemicals in food packaging
Ethylene oxide
Fluoride in bottled water
Mercury in fish
Perfluorinated compounds
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in foods
Additives and processing aids
Additives overview
Colours and food additives reported as banned
Food colours
Glazing agents
Glutamates and food
How FSANZ ensures the safety of food additives
Intense sweeteners
MSG in food
Nitrates and nitrites
Steviol glycosides (960) (intense sweetener) (stevia)
Table of food additive permissions in the US and Europe
What do food additives do?
Food technologies and novel foods
Cloned animals
Food irradiation
Nanoparticles and infant formula
Nanotechnology and food
Reports on the use of nanotechnology in food additives and packaging
Review of titanium dioxide as a food additive
Genetically modified foods
General information about GM foods
GM foods: Safety of ingested recombinant DNA
Herbicides in GM foods
Response to studies cited as evidence of adverse effects from GM foods
Feeding studies and GM corn MON863
Response to a feeding study in rats by Zdziarski et al [1]
Safety assessments of GM foods
Current status of genetically modified foods applications
International engagement on biotechnology
Health Canada-FSANZ Shared Assessment Process: Information for Applicants
Piloting the Health Canada-FSANZ Shared Assessment Process
New breeding techniques (NBTs)
New plant breeding techniques workshops
Food derived using new breeding techniques - review
Education materials on GM foods and NBTs
Iodine sensitivities
Iodine in food and iodine requirements
Iodine requirements and sensitivities
Plant sterols
Plant-based milk alternatives
Pregnancy and healthy eating
Iodine and pregnancy
Pregnancy and healthy eating
Folic acid/folate and pregnancy
Regulatory nutrient reference values
Sodium and salt
How much sodium do Australians eat?
Sodium and salt
How much sodium is in Australian foods?
Trans fatty acids
Wholegrain food
Our safe food supply
Animal diseases, human health and food safety
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
COVID-19 and food
Cell based meat
Hemp seeds as food
Imported ready-to-eat berries
Meat pies
Microplastics in food
Palm oil
Pine nuts
Processed foods
Quorn (mycoprotein)
Food fortification
Folic acid fortification
Folic acid - mandatory folic acid fortification
Monitoring of folic acid fortification
Iodine fortification
Thiamin fortification
Vitamins and minerals added to food
Imported foods
FSANZ advice on imported human milk and human milk products
Special purpose foods
Food for special medical purposes
Sports foods
Science and data
Dietary exposure and intake assessments
FSANZs dietary exposure assessment computer program
Food consumption data used in dietary exposure assessments
International peer review of our dietary modelling practices
Protecting high consumers
National surveillance of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in retail food
Food and nutrients databases
AUSNUT 2011-13
About AUSNUT 2011-13
AUSNUT 2011-13 data files
2011-13 AHS and 1995 NNS food classification concordance file
AUSNUT 2011-13 - AUSNUT 1999 matching file
AUSNUT 2011-13 dietary supplement details file
AUSNUT 2011-13 dietary supplement recipe file
AUSNUT 2011-13 food and dietary supplement classification system
AUSNUT 2011-13 food details file
AUSNUT 2011-13 food measures database file
AUSNUT 2011-13 food nutrient database
AUSNUT 2011-13 food retention factor file
AUSNUT 2011-13 food nutrient database
2010 Australia Health Survey Analytical Program
2011 Sausage analytical program
2012 Cake and slice analytical program
2012 Nutrient analysis of selected remote stores foods and processed meats
2013 Potato analytical program
2013 Unfortified breakfast cereal analytical program
2014 Milk powder and damper analytical program
Determining the amount of added sugars and free sugars in foods listed in the AUSNUT 2011-13 dataset
Development of additional nutrient profiles for foods and beverages consumed in the NATSINPAS
Development of additional nutrient profiles for foods and beverages consumed in the NNPAS
Filling nutrient gaps in the core dataset
Review of factors used in recipe calculations
AUSNUT2011-13 food measures database
Development of food measures data
Fruits and vegetable measures program
Measures data validation
Meat and fish measures program
Milk added to tea and coffee measures program
Sandwich, roll, burger and wrap measures programs
Spreads added to bread measures program
Takeaway coffee cup measures program
AUSNUT 2011-13 dietary supplement nutrient database
Development of dietary supplement nutrient data
Classification of foods and dietary supplements
Identification of individual foods and dietary supplements
Assigning foods and dietary supplements nutrients and measures data
Assigning foods and portions reported to AUSNUT 2011-13 data
Frequently asked questions (AUSNUT)
Australian Branded Food Database
Branded Food Database Terms and Conditions of use
Australian Food Composition Database
Data provided by food companies and organisations
Australian Food Composition Database
Foods and nutrients in the Australian Food Composition Database
Frequently asked questions (AFCD)
Legal information
Monitoring the safety of our food supply
Australian Total Diet Study
Risk analysis
2014-15 Key foods program
Scientific expertise
FSANZ Fellows
International engagement
Codex Alimentarius Commission
Monitoring the nutrients of our food
Analytical data commissioned by us
2022-23 Key Foods Analytical Program
2021-22 Key Foods Analytical Program
2019-20 Key Foods analytical program
Assessing the 2011-13 AHS against the Australian Dietary Guidelines
Classification system development
Australian Health Survey
Social science
Food Standards Code
Food Standards Code legislation
Public consultations
How to make a submission
Notification Circulars
Changing the code
Work plan
Pre-application assistance
Maximum residue limits - variations
APVMA notice of applications
2023 APVMA Notices
2022 APVMA Notices
2021 APVMA notices
2020 APVMA notices
2019 APVMA notices
2018 APVMA notices
2017 APVMA notices
2016 APVMA notices
2015 APVMA notices
2014 APVMA notices
2013 APVMA notices
2012 APVMA notices
2011 APVMA notices
Application Handbook
Application and proposal process
Gazette notices
Main navigation
Working at FSANZ
About us
Who we are
What we do
The safe food system
Corporate information
Regulatory Science Strategy
Senate Order on entity contracts
Food regulatory agencies
Food law, treaties and agreements
Information Publication Scheme
FOI Disclosure Log
APS Census Results 2024
Freedom of information
Gifts and benefits register
IPS Agency Plan
Organisation chart
Public Interest Disclosures
Work health and safety policy statement
Board meeting dates
Board meeting outcomes
FSANZ Board Risk Appetite Statement
Stakeholder engagement
Committees and groups
Binational Food Industry Dialogue
Consumer and Public Health Dialogue
Expert groups providing advice to FSANZ
Service Charter
Stakeholder forum
Using our website
Feedback and complaints
Contact us
Secondary menu
Food recalls
Food recall alerts
How to recall food
Food recall templates
About food recalls
Food recall statistics
Food incidents
Food Industry Recall Protocol
State and territory food recall action officers
FAQs for food businesses
Business guidance
Allergen labelling
Nutrition Panel Calculator
NPC downloadable files
Specific gravities
Weight change factors
About the NPC
User guide
Foods in the NPC
Nutrients in the NPC
Calculations in the NPC
Frequently asked questions
NPC reference list
Nutrition, health and related claims
Notified food-health relationships
Notifying a self-substantiated food-health relationship
Nutrient Profiling Scoring Criterion
Pregnancy warning labels on alcoholic beverages
Food safety for food businesses
2-hour / 4-hour rule
Cleaning and sanitising
Controlling pests
Cooling and reheating food
Displaying food
Food delivery
Food packaging
Food recalls
Food traceability
Health and hygiene - advice for food businesses
Health and hygiene - advice for food handlers
Home-based food businesses
Keeping food at the right temperature
Mobile food business
Processing food safely
Receiving food
Reducing acrylamide exposure in food
Safe food for older people - advice for businesses
Skills and knowledge for food handlers
Starting or changing a food business
Storing food safely
Temporary food premises
Transporting food safely
Standard 3.2.2A Food Safety Management Tools
Food safety supervisor
Food handler training
Evidence tool
Food safety in horticulture
Animals and pests
Food safety management statement
Food safety requirements for berry growers and primary processors
Food safety requirements for horticulture: berries, leafy vegetables and melons
Food safety requirements for leafy vegetable growers and primary processors
Food safety requirements for melon growers and primary processors
Growing sites
Health and hygiene of personnel and visitors
Inputs – Soil, water, fertiliser and composts
Premises and equipment
Skills and knowledge
Temperature control
Traceability of produce
Washing and sanitising produce
Weather events
Novel foods
Advisory Committee Novel Foods
Exclusivity of use for novel foods and nutritive substances
History of Novel Foods Standard
Novel food - Record of views formed in response to inquiries
Food safety culture
Food safety culture in action
Shaping food safety culture
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
The BSE risk assessment process and certification
Requirements for the importation of beef and beef products for human consumption
Exporting beef or beef products to Australia
Frequently asked questions (BSE)
Status of country BSE food safety risk assessments
Australian questionnaire to assess BSE risk
Annual BSE update
Information for charities and community organisations
Checklist for event organisers
Food temperature and thermometers
Notifying your food enforcement agency
Labelling and providing information about food sold at fundraising events
Sausage sizzles and barbecues
Preparing and cooking food
Transporting food
Health and hygiene for food handlers
Food safety standards
Review of food safety management standards
Microbiological limits for food
Limits for Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods
Preventing spread of COVID-19 and other contagious diseases
Primary production and processing standards
Consumer information
Food allergies
Allergen collaboration
Food allergies and food intolerances
Product exemptions from allergen labelling
Food allergen portal
Allergy information for the food service industry
Food allergens - information for consumers
Information for childcare centres and schools
Information for government organisations
Information for health professionals
Allergy information for food manufacturers, retailers and importers
Preventing foodborne illness
Antimicrobial resistance and food safety
Apricot kernels (raw)
Bacteria, viruses and toxins that cause foodborne illness
Caffeine powders and high caffeine content foods
Canned foods - purchasing and storage
Cassava and bamboo shoots
Floods and food safety
Food complaints
Food safety basics
Food safety for vulnerable people
Food safety for older people
Food safety in an emergency
Inorganic arsenic and iodine in seaweed
Listeria in food
Listeria monocytogenes and imported fresh enoki mushrooms
Microorganisms and foodborne illness
Poultry liver dishes
Raw drinking milk
Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) linked to eggs
Labelling information
Allergen labelling for consumers
Country of origin labelling
Energy labelling of alcoholic beverages
Fish names
Food additive labelling
GM food labelling
Health Star Rating System
Health claims (nutrition, health and related claims)
Ingredient lists and percentage labelling
Labelling for religious, environmental, animal welfare and other consumer value issues
Labelling of alcoholic beverages
Labelling poster - how to read food labels
Labelling review
Labelling review recommendation 12
Labelling review recommendation 17
Labelling review recommendation 26
Labelling review recommendation 34 - irradiation labelling
Labelling review recommendation 40 - country of origin labelling
Labelling review recommendations 6 and 47
Technical evaluation for recommendation 13 (trans fatty acids)
Nutrition information panels
Sugar labelling
Truth in labelling, weights and measures and legibility
Use by and best before dates
Warning and advisory statements
Chemicals in food
Acrylamide and food
Benzene in flavoured beverages
Bisphenol A (BPA)
Chemicals in food - maximum residue limits
Chemicals in food packaging
Ethylene oxide
Fluoride in bottled water
Mercury in fish
Perfluorinated compounds
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in foods
Additives and processing aids
Additives overview
Colours and food additives reported as banned
Food colours
Glazing agents
Glutamates and food
How FSANZ ensures the safety of food additives
Intense sweeteners
MSG in food
Nitrates and nitrites
Steviol glycosides (960) (intense sweetener) (stevia)
Table of food additive permissions in the US and Europe
What do food additives do?
Food technologies and novel foods
Cloned animals
Food irradiation
Nanoparticles and infant formula
Nanotechnology and food
Reports on the use of nanotechnology in food additives and packaging
Review of titanium dioxide as a food additive
Genetically modified foods
General information about GM foods
GM foods: Safety of ingested recombinant DNA
Herbicides in GM foods
Response to studies cited as evidence of adverse effects from GM foods
Feeding studies and GM corn MON863
Response to a feeding study in rats by Zdziarski et al [1]
Safety assessments of GM foods
Current status of genetically modified foods applications
International engagement on biotechnology
Health Canada-FSANZ Shared Assessment Process: Information for Applicants
Piloting the Health Canada-FSANZ Shared Assessment Process
New breeding techniques (NBTs)
New plant breeding techniques workshops
Food derived using new breeding techniques - review
Education materials on GM foods and NBTs
Iodine sensitivities
Iodine in food and iodine requirements
Iodine requirements and sensitivities
Plant sterols
Plant-based milk alternatives
Pregnancy and healthy eating
Iodine and pregnancy
Pregnancy and healthy eating
Folic acid/folate and pregnancy
Regulatory nutrient reference values
Sodium and salt
How much sodium do Australians eat?
Sodium and salt
How much sodium is in Australian foods?
Trans fatty acids
Wholegrain food
Our safe food supply
Animal diseases, human health and food safety
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
COVID-19 and food
Cell based meat
Hemp seeds as food
Imported ready-to-eat berries
Meat pies
Microplastics in food
Palm oil
Pine nuts
Processed foods
Quorn (mycoprotein)
Food fortification
Folic acid fortification
Folic acid - mandatory folic acid fortification
Monitoring of folic acid fortification
Iodine fortification
Thiamin fortification
Vitamins and minerals added to food
Imported foods
FSANZ advice on imported human milk and human milk products
Special purpose foods
Food for special medical purposes
Sports foods
Science and data
Dietary exposure and intake assessments
FSANZs dietary exposure assessment computer program
Food consumption data used in dietary exposure assessments
International peer review of our dietary modelling practices
Protecting high consumers
National surveillance of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in retail food
Food and nutrients databases
AUSNUT 2011-13
About AUSNUT 2011-13
AUSNUT 2011-13 data files
2011-13 AHS and 1995 NNS food classification concordance file
AUSNUT 2011-13 - AUSNUT 1999 matching file
AUSNUT 2011-13 dietary supplement details file
AUSNUT 2011-13 dietary supplement recipe file
AUSNUT 2011-13 food and dietary supplement classification system
AUSNUT 2011-13 food details file
AUSNUT 2011-13 food measures database file
AUSNUT 2011-13 food nutrient database
AUSNUT 2011-13 food retention factor file
AUSNUT 2011-13 food nutrient database
2010 Australia Health Survey Analytical Program
2011 Sausage analytical program
2012 Cake and slice analytical program
2012 Nutrient analysis of selected remote stores foods and processed meats
2013 Potato analytical program
2013 Unfortified breakfast cereal analytical program
2014 Milk powder and damper analytical program
Determining the amount of added sugars and free sugars in foods listed in the AUSNUT 2011-13 dataset
Development of additional nutrient profiles for foods and beverages consumed in the NATSINPAS
Development of additional nutrient profiles for foods and beverages consumed in the NNPAS
Filling nutrient gaps in the core dataset
Review of factors used in recipe calculations
AUSNUT2011-13 food measures database
Development of food measures data
Fruits and vegetable measures program
Measures data validation
Meat and fish measures program
Milk added to tea and coffee measures program
Sandwich, roll, burger and wrap measures programs
Spreads added to bread measures program
Takeaway coffee cup measures program
AUSNUT 2011-13 dietary supplement nutrient database
Development of dietary supplement nutrient data
Classification of foods and dietary supplements
Identification of individual foods and dietary supplements
Assigning foods and dietary supplements nutrients and measures data
Assigning foods and portions reported to AUSNUT 2011-13 data
Frequently asked questions (AUSNUT)
Australian Branded Food Database
Branded Food Database Terms and Conditions of use
Australian Food Composition Database
Data provided by food companies and organisations
Australian Food Composition Database
Foods and nutrients in the Australian Food Composition Database
Frequently asked questions (AFCD)
Legal information
Monitoring the safety of our food supply
Australian Total Diet Study
Risk analysis
2014-15 Key foods program
Scientific expertise
FSANZ Fellows
International engagement
Codex Alimentarius Commission
Monitoring the nutrients of our food
Analytical data commissioned by us
2022-23 Key Foods Analytical Program
2021-22 Key Foods Analytical Program
2019-20 Key Foods analytical program
Assessing the 2011-13 AHS against the Australian Dietary Guidelines
Classification system development
Australian Health Survey
Social science
Food Standards Code
Food Standards Code legislation
Public consultations
How to make a submission
Notification Circulars
Changing the code
Work plan
Pre-application assistance
Maximum residue limits - variations
APVMA notice of applications
2023 APVMA Notices
2022 APVMA Notices
2021 APVMA notices
2020 APVMA notices
2019 APVMA notices
2018 APVMA notices
2017 APVMA notices
2016 APVMA notices
2015 APVMA notices
2014 APVMA notices
2013 APVMA notices
2012 APVMA notices
2011 APVMA notices
Application Handbook
Application and proposal process
Gazette notices
Food Standards Code
Application A382 - Food derived from insect protected potato lines BT-06, ATBT04-31, ATBT04-36 and SPBT02-05
Application A382 - Food derived from insect protected potato lines BT-06, ATBT04-31, ATBT04-36 and SPBT02-05
28 June 2018
Full Assessment Report [
Inquiry Report [
Page last updated: 27 June 2018