The purpose of this Application is to seek permission to irradiate 12 specific fruits and vegetables (apple, apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum, honeydew, rockmelon, strawberry, table grape, zucchini and scallopini (squash) for phytosanitary purposes.
Approval Report - 16 December 2014 - (pdf 910 kb) | (word 181 kb)
Submissions (zip file 18042 kb) | Late comments (zip file 2014 kb)
Call for submissions - 28 August 2014 (pdf 394 kb) | (word 125 kb)
Administrative Assessment Report - 11 December 2013 (pdf 235 kb) | (word 63 kb)
Executive Summary (pdf 297 kb) | (word 114 kb)
Application (zip file 42470 kb)
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