Proposal P1006 - Remove Commencement Provision for Certain Special Purpose Infant Formula

Re-affirmation of variation - 3 June 2009 [ pdf ]

Assessment Report 15 September 2008 [ word | pdf ]

Executive Summary 26 June 2008 [ word | pdf ]

Please note: The Initial Consideration Report refers to the Declaration of Emergency as being Attachment 1 to the Report, with the proposed draft amendment to the Code as Attachment 2. This is incorrect - the Declaration is a separate document and there is only 1 attachment - the proposed drafting.

Administrative Assessment - 6 June 2008 [ word | pdf ]

Declararation of Urgency - 5 June 2008 [ word | pdf ]

Intitial Consideration Report - 6 June 2008 [ word | pdf ]