A1176 - Enzymatic production of Steviol Glycosides

The purpose of this application is to seek approval for a new specification for steviol glycosides produced by an enzymatic conversion method using enzymes derived from genetically modified strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli)

Approval Report - 20 December 2019 (pdf 1.13 mb) | (word 146 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Risk assessment (at Approval) (pdf 1.12 mb) | (word 122 kb)


New Zealand Food Grocery Council (Late comment)

Ministry for Primary Industries

Australian Food and Grocery Council

Australian Beverages Council

Department of Health and Human Services

New Zealand Beverage Council

Call for submissions - 27 August 2019 (pdf 1063 kb) | (word 136 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Risk assessment (pdf 1113 kb) | (word 117 kb)

Administrative Assessment Report - 16 May 2019 (pdf 272 kb) | (word 68 kb)

Application (pdf 1977 kb)

Please note that due to size restrictions this Application document does not contain Appendices. If required please email Standards.Management@foodstandards.gov.au.

Executive Summary (pdf 206 kb)

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